World Leadership Congress
Every year high school students who have attended their regional or state HOBY seminars are invited to attend a national HOBY seminar known as the World Leadership Congress. The WLC is a dynamic leadership opportunity for high school students to further develop their leadership skills with youth from around the world. The annual conference brings together more than 400 leaders of tomorrow for a week-long, life-changing, educational and leadership experience.
WLC attendees have access to a distinguished collection of speakers and panelists in professions including government, research, education, media, technology, philanthropy, business and international affairs. HOBY’s ambassadors engage in various activities through their week during WLC which include interactive and dynamic panels, educational sessions, collaborative workships, community service projects and individualized training. Ambassadors will walk away from the experience with a greater understanding of the international world, as more mature individuals and community leaders.
For more information on the WLC, visit HOBY International at
HOBY Washington WLC Alumni had the following to say:
“The WLC is an inspiring, once in a lifetime experience. You get to meet teens your age from all over the world, hear amazing speakers talk about a wide variety of topics, and tour the city of Chicago. The group of ambassadors I was in had teens from 6 countries, and 6 from across the United States. I am very close friends with all of them, and still keep in touch on a regular basis! After loving every minute of HOBY WA, I knew I had to apply for WLC. It was definitely one of the best weeks of my life! – Gavin
“Seven days, 168 hours, 10,080 minutes, 428 ambassadors. Infinite memories. Immeasurable life experiences. Everlasting friendships. One HOBY World Leadership Congress. Create yourself. That’s the motto. The maxim that was told to us every day. To empower, lead and excel. That’s the objective. The goal that every one of us carries around, wears proudly, shouts to the world. I have been changed for the better in more ways than I know. I have learned, loved, and grown more in that minuscule period of time than I imagine I ever will again. How does one begin to explain an experience that is like nothing else? When you have no words, I suppose you must borrow them. Perhaps one of the most poignant phrases is this: Dr. Seuss said, “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” This is HOBY. The leadership and service aspects are of utmost vitality. The idea that I could make a difference, create change; that was powerful beyond belief. But I knew I was home when life suddenly felt like the most wonderful dream.” – Kacie