Where will the seminar be held?
The seminar will take place at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, OR.
When will the seminar be held?
Seminar participants may arrive any time after 8:30 a.m. but before 11:00 a.m. (we suggest leaving at least 15 minutes to get through check-in) on June 13th, 2024. The seminar will begin with Ambassador Orientation on June 13th, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. and conclude with Closing Ceremonies ending on June 15h at 11:00 a.m. Check-out will be between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. You must be present for the entire seminar, including overnight.
What kind of program is planned?
During your HOBY Leadership Seminar, many dynamic leaders—all volunteers from the fields of business, education, government, and other professions—will address aspects of our changing world and the challenges future leaders will confront. The program will not promote any specific political party, religion, or way of thinking; but is designed to develop critical thinking skills by actively involving participants in discussions and informal debate. During the seminar, and after being equipped with the tools necessary, you will be asked to undertake a community service project (or projects) within your own community involving at least 100 hours of service during the year following your seminar. The purpose is to make a difference in your school, community, place of worship, or any other environment where you see a need.
What are the accommodations like?
Participants will be assigned to dorm rooms with one roommate on floors reserved exclusively for the seminar. Participants are required to bring their own bed linens, towels, and toiletries. Everyone will receive nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. In the Health and Safety section, please indicate any special dietary considerations, including allergies, and we will do our best to accommodate you.
What if I need to take medication while I am at the seminar?
Please provide information about your medication in the Health and Safety section. Make sure to read and comply with the Policy for Use of Medication During a HOBY Event.
If necessary, how may I be contacted during the seminar?
Parent(s)/guardian(s), friends, and family members are discouraged from calling participants during the seminar due to the disruption caused to panels and activities. In case of emergency, your parent(s) or guardian may call Justine Keller at (215)-932-6791. The seminar will be chaperoned by adults who will be staying at the facility 24 hours a day.
What does the Registration Fee cover?
The Registration Fee covers housing, all meals and snacks, and all program materials. Transportation to and from the seminar is not provided.
What transportation arrangements have been made?
You are responsible for your transportation to and from the seminar.
What should I wear at the seminar?
Dress is casual throughout the weekend, with the exception of Sunday, which is “dress-up.” (no need to buy something new, just dress nicely!) You will be provided a HOBY tee-shirt to wear on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. We will wash those tee-shirts between wearing them. See our packing list for more information!
What about religious services?
On Sunday we provide an optional non-denomination service.
What if I am unable to attend the seminar?
If circumstances arise that prevent you from attending the entire seminar, including overnight, we would like to give another student the opportunity to attend. Please notify the HOBY contact at your school as soon as possible, and follow up with an email to our Leadership Seminar Chair, Austin Robinson at LSC@hobywa.org
Who should I contact if I have additional questions?
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the Leadership Seminar Chair, Austin Robinson, at LSC@hobywa.org.