Here are some FAQs for students and parents interested in our seminar and for those who are already registered:
How do I access the Virtual Seminar? You will receive a link to HOBY Connect (our virtual platform), by email, prior to the start of the Virtual Leadership Seminar.
What technology devices will I need for the virtual seminar? You can access the Virtual Seminar via your smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Do you offer Assistive Technology? HOBY Connect is hosted via CommPartners, a platform. committed to digital accessibility. Click here to learn more about the free assistive technology and to view the terms of use.
When will the seminar be held? The seminar will be held June 17th-20th, 2021. Seminar participants may log in starting at 5:30 pm on Thursday, June 17th, 2021 (We encourage you to log in early to avoid any technical issues). We also suggest you eat dinner prior to the start of the seminar. The seminar will begin with Ambassador Orientation around 6:00 pm on Thursday and conclude with Closing Ceremonies at 12:00pm on Sunday, June 20th, 2021. You must be present for the entire seminar and participate in all general sessions and breakouts. A detailed schedule will be available prior to the start of the Virtual Leadership Seminar. Plan to be engaged and participating each day with frequent breaks between general and breakout sessions.
What kind of program is planned? We have taken all of the best parts of our dynamic, high-quality leadership seminar program and adapted it for a virtual audience. Our program is built around ambassador participation which means ambassadors (participants) get out of the program what they put in. The virtual platform allows for flexibility and additional resources to be provided that would not have been possible in person. We are excited to welcome live keynotes, panels, and workshops that address a variety of leadership-related topics and will challenge how you think about leadership. Ambassadors can expect to participate in general sessions as well as breakouts with designated Group Facilitators, HOBY Alumni, and other participants from around the state of Washington. Ambassadors will not be silent viewers, we’ve built in all the same interactive elements we offer in person and highly encourage ambassadors to come prepared to interact, think critically and creatively, and have fun. The program will not promote any specific political party, religion, or way of thinking; but is designed to develop critical thinking skills by actively involving participants in discussions and informal debate. After the seminar, and after being equipped with the tools necessary, you will be asked to undertake a community service project (or projects) within your own community involving at least 100 hours of service during the year following your seminar. The purpose is to make a difference in your school, community, place of worship, or any other environment where you see a need.
Is this a live event? Yes. The general sessions and breakouts are all live and require that the participant be available the entire time. We have built-in frequent breaks for ambassadors to stretch, eat, rest, and move around.
Will I need to download any software or documents for the seminar? HOBY Connect will have all of the information the ambassador will need (schedule, program book, links to Zoom calls, and resources) and none of it requires a software download/installation. HOBY Connect works best with Chrome, Safari, or Firefox, but does not work well with Internet Explorer. You may want to download Zoom onto whatever device you’ll be using for the video call sessions (you can create a free/basic account if you do not have one by clicking here). You may also choose to download the program book and other resources provided.
What supplies do I need to participate in the seminar? The virtual seminar is best experienced with a computer connected to reliable internet. You can also use mobile devices like tablets, iPads, or even your smartphone. We recommend being connected to Wi-Fi if you will be using a mobile device. Not necessary or required, but helpful to have would be headphones with a built-in microphone; students will be talking with their fellow ambassadors and their group leaders over video chats. We will be sending you a box filled with some useful and fun items, including a HOBY tee-shirt to be worn on Saturday (for a group photo). This box will have everything else you need for the weekend.
What do I need to do to prepare for the seminar? Check your email! Our Facilitators (our group leaders) will be reaching out, and we will send you some vital information.
What if I have technical issues or need help accessing the virtual seminar? You may contact our Director of Operations Tyler Hamke at Please leave your name and phone number to be contacted.
Who pays for the seminar? Your school or parent has paid a Registration Fee, or your fee has been sponsored. The cost for this year’s seminar is $225 per student.
What should I wear at the seminar? School-appropriate clothing. On Saturday, we ask that you wear the HOBY Tee-shirt we will be mailing you. Our recommendation is to wear a comfortable t-shirt representing your school or community for the rest of the seminar.
What if I am unable to attend the seminar? If circumstances arise that prevent you from attending the entire seminar, we would like to allow another student to attend. Please notify your school who selected you, and follow up with an email to Jonathan Walsh, Director of Recruitment at or call or text 830-522-0494. Leave your name and phone number to be contacted.
Who may I contact should I have additional questions? Additional questions or concerns should be directed to Justine Keller, Leadership Seminar Chair at or call or text 215-932-6791. Leave your name and phone number to be contacted.